Products > IDKAV

IDK has been successfully riding the new-technology wave by creating and providing state-of-the-art Pro AV products; such as, multi switchers, video converters, matrix switchers, and AV over IP systems. We, as a leading provider of high-quality solutions for the Pro AV industry, develop, manufacture and test all IDK products at our own facilities in Japan. With all operations fully in-house, IDK has the unique ability to add features and evolve our product’s performance rapidly, as technology advances and as needed to meet expanding user demands. Being vertically integrated, we can also preemptively manage supply chain challenges, while closely monitoring our product quality. As technology is continually being reshaped, we are stepping up our efforts at IDK and are committed to making the next big leap for the Pro AV industry.

ALL Switchers
住所:ソウル特別市瑞草区良才川路3ギル12 Kinotonビル(良才洞116-9)
代表電話: +82-2-6923-1900 / +82-1661-4741     Fax : +82-2-518-1921
Cinema : 02-6923-1990[製品に関するお問い合わせ]  /  Cinema : 1661-4741[アフターサービス]  /  LED DID : +82-1661-9568[製品に関するお問い合わせ及びアフターサービス]  /  Pro Audio : +82-2-6923-1964~5[製品に関するお問い合わせ]  /  audio pro : +82-1661-9569[アフターサービス]
Email : 映像事業部,   デジタルメディア事業部,   オーディオ事業部,   経営支援部,   シネマ技術支援部